Tuesday, November 17, 2009

IS-F Top Speed

Anybody that has owned a fast car has at one time or another had the curiosity and eagerness to find out the top speed on their vehicle. For most people, a Youtube video simply does not do justice. This driver in Japan decided to take the public tunnels for a top speed run in his IS-F. In Japan, speeds are limited electronically, so he modified his IS-F so it would shift to 7th gear beyond it's limited speed of 176mph. This act was extremely dangerous and could have put the driver and surrounding traffic at serious risk. Luckily, there were no cars in front of him and his lane was empty the entire trip. I am glad he safely accomplished this, but at the same time very angered he did it on an open road. If you want to psuh your IS-F, please do it safely on a closed circuit. I have attempted a top speed run a few times myself on a closed circuit, but could not stomach the ride over 160mph, when the steering became rough. A top speed of 186mph certainly puts the IS-F on a pedestal beyond much of the competition, but naturally is not possible due to the speed limiter. There are currently no aftermarket modifications in the United States which allow the driver to surpass the legal limiter on the vehicle. In Japan, there are several modifications available. Not many people can say they cruised at speeds of 186mph in a luxury sedan.

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